Keep practicing Black Dog and Heartbreaker, they’re sounding great. Try to play along to the tracks this week (remember YouTube’s playback speed function if they are too fast). Keep working on The Ocean, and try to have it memorized for next week. Keep practicing the snake exercise, as well as all the open major chords. Practice your 1324 picking pattern with those new progressions: D G A and A D E. Lastly, focus on those bar chord shapes on the top 4 strings (F and B). Great work!
Great lesson Eric! We made some great progress this week. Keep practicing Bad Moon Rising and Twist and Shout. Keep working on getting those chord transitions smooth and keep that right hand moving. Maybe practice these songs to a metronome or drum beat (free on YouTube). Practice that picking exercise I showed you up and down, also starting with an up stroke. Try to incorporate this with the snake!
Keep practicing those bar chords, you are doing awesome. Keep going with Smells like Teen Spirit, and keep trying to get those muted strokes. Listen to the song before you practice to get the rhythm in your head. Also work on I Bet You Look Good On The Dance Floor for next time. Remember the strumming pattern is down, up, up, down, down, down. Remember to keep your right hand moving as you strum.
Keep working on Twist and Shout, it’s really coming along. Practice the riff as well as the chords: D G A. Listen to the song for next time and try to get the structure down. Once you get the structure, play along to the song! Keep working on the snake too, that’s looking really good. Remember to play each note long, and connected to the next note. Nice work!
Keep practicing Another One Bites The Dust, it sounds great! Try it up the octave too! Keep working on Seven Nation Army, and try to use the fingering I showed you. Keep working on G and C, those are looking awesome! Also practice Hey Jude for next time! Good job!