About Erin Plank

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So far Erin Plank has created 159 blog entries.

Saturday May 18 Lessons – Erin P

Hakim Congrats on polishing Lost Woods! It is super impressive that you can play that hands together, steady and with so many position changes! Proud. *New* Bee. - the lines I drew are every 4 bars to show you the repeating 4 bar bass line. This is in the key of Bb major so all Bs and Es are FLAT. This week [...]

2024-05-18T19:00:19-04:00May 18th, 2024|

Thursday May 5 Lessons – Erin P

WE ARE ALL SOUNDING SO POLISHED AND PREPARED! GO TEAM! KEEP UP THE HARD WORK, IT IS EVIDENT IN YOUR PLAYING :D Please click the links I provide, they are tailored to you each. Liam Sightreading needs extra work for you to feel confident! We still have a month until the exam so don't stress, we will be good!! Remember, [...]

2024-05-16T21:39:49-04:00May 16th, 2024|

Saturday May 11 Lessons – Erin P

Today was fantastic :) Enjoy Mother's Day tomorrow <3 Hakim Lost Woods - GREAT progress!! Your LH position changes are sounding really good. Continue to do practice at slower tempos to get it as "clean" as possible. If there are spots that always go perfect hands together, only play them in performing mode, they don't need special like the spots that [...]

2024-05-11T17:49:41-04:00May 11th, 2024|

Thursday May 9th Lessons – Erin P

See you THIS Sunday at 12:30 or 1:30, if you're signed up :) Liam Sonatina in G major - Sounding great! 3rd line is what we want to give the most focus this week, getting those little sequences down. As they go higher and higher, we can get louder and louder, and then quiet back down to re-enter the A [...]

2024-05-09T22:06:56-04:00May 9th, 2024|

Saturday May 4th Lessons – Erin P

Hakim Lost Woods - WOOHOO! I'm very proud of your progress. In the second measure, stay on F major for the entire measure before moving to C. I like noticing which RH note plays at the same time as the new chord and thinking of it that way. I want you to go slow enough when the chords change that [...]

2024-05-04T17:31:36-04:00May 4th, 2024|

Thursday May 2nd Lessons – Erin P

It was a fun candy filled day today! Yay! Liam, Sara, Marco and Danny you will be performing this Sunday - see you then! Katarina and Marita - we implore you to come cheer on and be inspired by your peers! There will be guitar, drums and violin students there too! Liam Sonatina in G major - Really nice! I [...]

2024-05-02T22:17:50-04:00May 2nd, 2024|

Saturday April 27 Lessons – Erin P

I had a lot of fun with everyone today and you all are making great progress! Enjoy the warmer (but maybe still wet?) weather this week! Maria Golden Hour - first 8 bars. Evenness is the most important thing about this piece sounding pretty. First get used to the notes by playing them blocked (all at once), and then practice [...]

2024-04-27T18:47:51-04:00April 27th, 2024|

Thursday April 25 Lessons – Erin P

I'm happy to be back and hear all you lovely people and see your shining faces! At the bottom I'm going to attach all of your technique requirements so we don't let anything slip through. Our recital is Sunday May 5th at 12:30 OR 1:30. At least half of you are already signed up, but we'd love to see you [...]

2024-04-25T22:13:27-04:00April 25th, 2024|

Saturday April 20 Lessons – Erin P

Hi everyone! Report cards went home this week and they announce our first post-pandemic recital! It will be Sunday May 5th and we have two "shows" available to register for: 12:30 and 1:30 I believe. Look at your schedules and see if you're available! Hakim Lost Woods - great job with the RH! I love the articulation you're using. Next [...]

2024-04-20T16:05:39-04:00April 20th, 2024|

Thursday April 18 Lessons – Erin P

Sounds like you all had a great, productive time with Emmett! Here are *his* notes for the week: Liam technical requirements are slowing down! Talked about relative minor, C major, Am hands together 2 octaves, G maj 2 octaves. Started to slow down for the end of scales, keeping consistent and EVEN on the way down. Focus on evenness. Dmin [...]

2024-04-19T17:14:42-04:00April 19th, 2024|
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