Bayli C.
I apologize for my absence last week as I was not feeling well. Barnaby will get in contact with you to sort out a make up lesson. If you have any questions please contact the studio.
As for for our lesson on Tuesday, excellent job Bayli! I’ve noticed quite an improvement in your school band piece “The Best of Queen”. Your rhythm is much better and you are starting to feel more comfortable playing the piece. Keep up the great work. Try to pay attention to the dynamics as you practice the music as well. If you need to write in the letter names of the notes on your music, that is fine with me. We also started to learn the 2 octave F Major scale. You sounded good but need to work on the upper half of the scale a bit more. Remember that the note fingerings will change once you reach the high D to F. If you have trouble remembering these notes look them up on your flute note chart. Your tone on the flute is coming along nicely and if you keep up your practicing, this will only get even better. Remember to start each practice session with your long tones as this will help you to improve your tone and your breath stamina so that you can hold notes for a longer duration of time. While we were reviewing your school band piece I noticed that you have to take many breaths as you play. We talked about where and how we should be taking breaths within the music and that we must take a breath where it makes sense to do so. So for example taking a breath in between a pair of eighth notes would not be a good place to do this. We will continue working on how to identify good places to take breaths when we need them. As your skills improve you will notice that you will not need to take as many breaths within the music as you do now.
Overall, great work this week and I look forward to the next lesson!