Recital is Coming – Stay Tuned for News!
Our spring recital is fast approaching, and we have some changes this year. We are hoping to move the recital to Saturday, and to have a big student/parent party with special events and guests on the same day! For now, we are eyeing the 2nd or 9th of May for this. We’ll keep you posted.
Changes to the Booking System
As you will recall, we invited you to access our scheduling and billing system using the internet and/or the app back in December. We’ve recently updated our system to send out text messages to remind you about your lesson schedules. Text reminders are an optional feature, which you can opt out of.
We encourage you to log into the system, or app, and get to know how the system looks and works. If you have feedback, we’d love to get it for future improvements.
The 2015-16 School Year will see a move into more reliance on your interaction in the booking system. This has been for the convenience of teachers, regardless of your confirming your lessons, or not. This year, we indicated all of your lessons as ‘confirmed’, so teachers would know that students were expected as we moved into this online system (we are now about 1.5 years into its use). So, now that teachers are accustomed to the format, and know that students who are listed are expected, we will be moving to a ‘booked’ lesson setting, so if teachers are at the end of their day have a student that has not confirmed, they will not wait overly long for late students at the end of their teaching days (which sometimes happens). We hope you will embrace the process and regularly confirm your lesson times from now on. Thank you!
March Dates
Please be aware that there are no regularly scheduled lessons March 14-22, inclusive.
Make-up lessons may be programmed. We will likely contact you to confirm availability of your teachers, and see if you are available to do the make-ups. We ask that you please call us back to confirm your availability as soon as you receive the call. Your make-up may not be at the regular time/day. We will try to get as close to that as possible, however.
Do you love ABC? Tell Everyone!
ABC is grateful to have great students, and we’d love it if you would consider giving us a review! Check out our updated ‘Students Say’ page, which has direct links to leave us reviews, as well as live testimonials from some of our students.
Want to be on the page? We’d love to have you! Just ask at the desk, and we’ll take your photo and comment for this page.