Hi all, please find your practice agendas below. Please make sure you’re finding time to practice at least 20 minutes per day!

Also, sorry for the late post. Hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend and I’ll see you later this week.

– Review C major, G major, and D major (practice these with a metronome; quarter note = 80)
– This means practice all technical requirements: scales (parallel and contrary motions) and triads (broken and solid)
– Add finger circles to your daily routine (you can do these while you’re sitting in class!)

Cora Ahrens:
B.C. Book: Questions 1, 2 and 4
T.C. Book: Questions 1, 2 and 4

“She’s like the Swallow”
– Rachel’s goal for this week: learn to play at least the first 2 segments hands together.
– Segment practice (as explained by Rachel): look at the notes, play R.H., then L.H., then hands together and go back and troubleshoot tricky spots in segment before moving on to the next segment.

“Clair de Lune”
– Rachel’s goal for this week: learn to play up to measure 12, hands separately.

– This week review your technical requirements for C major, G major, D major, and F major. Scales (parallel and contrary motions) and triads (broken and solid).
– Remember to practice using a metronome and also write in fingering when necessary.

Theory: (same as last week)
p. 47, Question 3
p. 48, Question 1 (E-, B-, and D-)

Cora Ahrens: (same as last week)
B.C. Book: p. 5, Questions 11 and 12
T.C. Book: p. 5, Questions 11 and 12

“Swing Low, Sweet Chariot”
– Keep working on your swing this week – swinging does not mean staccato eighth notes. Make sure you’re using finger weight and staying in the key.
– Here’s a link to short video about swing feel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVe4bA1BLg8
– Also, try to practice with a metronome this week (quarter note = 70-75). This will help you to flow/transition between segments. If you make a mistake, keep playing — keep the music moving.

– Review C major, G major, and F major this week. Practice your scales and triads for each key!
– We’ve written-in your finger number for each scale. Please practice paying close attention to those finger numbers! This way you won’t run out of fingers when you’re playing your scales! :P

“This is My Planet Earth”
– Claire’s practice goal for this week: Practice R.H. and finish learning L.H. hand notes this week. Put first 4 lines of music together. The rhythm syllabus are working for you (I’ve written them out in your dictation book). Practice your rhythms using these rhythm syllabus!